Person-centered Care

Person-centered Care

Direct your own life at Saint Joseph Villa

At Saint Joseph Villa in Flourtown, Pennsylvania, we don’t just provide care for you; we work with you to create an individualized care plan that fulfills your needs and wishes. .

“Person-centered” is so much more than a buzzword; it means that the resident is at the center of everything we do, in every program, from short-term rehab and skilled nursing care to respite care and hospice/comfort care. It means treating you with dignity, respect, and compassion, every moment of every day. Our trained medical professionals listen to your needs, learn your interests, and get to know your background and family. It’s all designed to help you live a life of purpose and meaning. We encourage you to foster the most independence possible, while giving you the support you need in areas of daily living.

“Person-centered” means something different in every level of living. For rehab, it might mean learning daily activities or adjusting to the environment to which you’ll return. Here, we’ll tailor your plan of care to help you achieve your highest level of functioning. For long-term living, it might mean discovering your passions, whether that’s a love of art or music, so we can incorporate those elements into your individual treatment plan. We highlight your interests and ensure that they are a part of your daily routine. Through person-centered care, your interests and relationships are fostered to create a meaningful day.

Person-centered care is at the foundation of everything we do at Saint Joseph Villa.

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To make a difference in the lives of our residents while enjoying competitive pay and generous benefits, please click on the link below for available positions.

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We welcome individuals in need of short-term rehabilitation, long-term skilled nursing care, hospice care, and respite care. Please click on the link below to get started.

Why Donate

The Maxims of the Sisters of Saint Joseph are short sayings of wisdom given to our first Sisters but meant for all persons who aspire to make a difference in the world.

Be alert to God's true promptings. I can be tricked.

— SSJ Maxim 94

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