Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Our mission

The mission of Saint Joseph Villa, in Flourtown, Pennsylvania, is rooted in the mission of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, who founded and sponsor the Villa.

“Our mission as Sisters of Saint Joseph flows from the purpose for which our Congregation exists. We live and work so that all people may be united with God and with one another” (Constitutions 16).

We are called to reflect a “profound love of God and neighbor without distinction” in our interactions with others. This mission, shared by the Sisters of Saint Joseph, their associates, and partners in mission, is the primary focus of all those who work and minister at the Villa. Staff members strive to reflect the healing presence of Jesus in referencing the dignity, awareness, and beauty of each person they encounter.

Our vision

Saint Joseph Villa has always been known for providing excellent care and service. A spirit of welcome and peace permeates the entire community and characterizes all of our relationships.

Flowing from our mission of unity, our vision is to create a home and a community in which our residents thrive and in which our employees take great pride — we want Saint Joseph Villa to be a place where everyone wants to live and work!

In recent years, striving to meet this goal has resulted in a shift from a medical model of care to a more social, holistic model of care that is truly resident-directed. This vision calls us to respect the dignity and value of each individual to ensure choice and self-direction throughout his or her life; to honor a person’s entire life and life accomplishments; to build healthy community; and to foster meaningful living. By building relational communities wherever we live and serve, we keep our mission of unity alive. The families and friends of our lay residents encounter this nurturing, relational community during their visits with loved ones and in their interactions with all who care for them.

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Why Donate

To make a difference in the lives of our residents while enjoying competitive pay and generous benefits, please click on the link below for available positions.

See Job Openings

We welcome individuals in need of short-term rehabilitation, long-term skilled nursing care, hospice care, and respite care. Please click on the link below to get started.

Why Donate

The Maxims of the Sisters of Saint Joseph are short sayings of wisdom given to our first Sisters but meant for all persons who aspire to make a difference in the world.

Be alert to God's true promptings. I can be tricked.

— SSJ Maxim 94

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